What To Do If You Want A Show On HCR

A step-by-step way of getting sorted.

Andrew Backhouse

Last Update 3 yıl önce

1. Come up with kick-ass concept.

Come up with the kick as idea for a show; will it contain music? Is it a talk show?

2. Submit pitch to the admin of the station.

Contact Andrew at [email protected] and pitch your show - try and think why people would want to tune in to your show instead of scrolling around Spotify? Tell that reason to Andy...

3. Training can be given.

We may ask you to submit a pilot show to the station. This will let us know where to fit you in the schedule. Please record it as if it will be broadcast - training can be given on how to do this.

4. Your show will go before the admin of the station.

Your show will go before the admin of the station to see where it will fit in.

5. Web page and schedule agreed upon.

Artwork, web page and the frequency / schedule of the shows are to be agreed upon.

6. You start broadcasting...

Go champ, go!

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