How To Chat With The Presenters LIVE!

How to engage with your favourite presenters on Harrogate Community Radio during a broadcast!

Andrew Backhouse

Last Update 3 years ago

We have a chat widget!

If you look in the bottom left hand corner of any of the pages on our website then you will see an icon like this...

Give a tap or a click and you can then have a chat with one of the Hosts of Harrogate Community Radio.

The app is run through a clever gadget that I found for free - so, none of the donation money went towards it. There are a good few of the hosts who have signed up to the scheme - if a show host says "join me on the chat?" then that is pretty much the green light for you to jump on it...

I am quite active on the chat - we are a friendly bunch and we have plenty to say, come and meet us...

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