How Do I Listen To Harrogate Community Radio On A Smart Speaker That Isn't SONOS or Alexa?

A few tips on how to stream the station on your smart speaker if it isn't a SONOS or an Alexa...

Andrew Backhouse

Last Update 3 jaar geleden

Well, there is always the Bluetooth, Airplay or other forms of Casting - We are now on the Ruark system too, if you are lucky enough to have a Ruark System, just search for Harrogate Community Radio.

However, most Smart Speakers have the ability to host the myTuner Radio app. It is a lightweight app that has a range of stations on (50k+). It is a great way of finding new content - although, I hope you will stay with HCR!

If, at worst, you can always cast using Bluetooth to the speaker. You would just need to access the station's site from the website and stream from there.

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